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I’m a writer so one would think blogs come easy. Some do come in minutes and I can have 750 words in less than an hour. Then I come across some that have me stumped for hours, for example, I started writing this one at 11:00 pm last night thinking


Love People, Use Things

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This past year has taught us if nothing else, our things tend to get in the way of what’s truly essential.1* The things we buy to add value and meaning to our lives quickly became irrelevant. We have entered a new world and no matter how hard we try the


Orange Crush

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We outside

“Does my hair look ok?” “Is my makeup blended right?” “Is my pieces hitting the way the mirror suggests or is my iPhone telling the truth?” “It took me 4 hours to find an outfit and oh f*ck, is he looking at my toes? I didn’t have time to hit



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    SHE by the fire with Modi. Instagram SHE by the fire with Modi. Youtube



What is IT? No, not something simple like how is IT done. I’m asking, what’s the purpose of IT? What did the creator intend for IT to be? Did he contemplate on what makes IT great? Did he constitute back shots, squirting and orgasms would give IT, ITs description? Did


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Sacred Energy eXchange Its true elucidation has been minimized to a casual connection an emotionless display of affection. To penetrate without penetration takes concentration and consideration. Assimilate and stimulate my maze in ways that will have me in a daze for days. De-stress me don’t finesse me before you undress



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When I see what’s going on in Amerikkka it makes me feel a few emotions with “BET” being the most prominent one. I’ve been privy to the lack of concern with BLACK lives in this country (No offense I love all people but I’m not including another color this time)

Love is…

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Love is action Love is spirit Love is unconditional Love is transparently naked Love is growth and development at 7 and seventy 4 Love is letting go of fear Love is worth crying over but you won’t experience tears Love is gentle, not crushing Love is come as you are



Nobody talks about how hard it is to follow God’s path and still function in society. Following God means to protect your thoughts and keep your mind on Godly things but how can I do that when I think throat baby is a love song. I wish it were as


Her and eye have a standing date.  4:30 and don’t be late. She’s divine and committed. We discuss dreams, him and sometimes them. We explore love, trust, fear, and possibilities. It’s personal, no pictures or invitees. She’s influentially fluent in the language of me. She affirms Praying and worrying is


Toxic Love

When I met you, I was In recovery from another just like you. The last one left me with unanswered questions, open and lonely. My rebound treated me with respect, didn’t jerk me around, and leave me on the edge of my bed grabbing my chest gasping for air. This


Woman up

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  Do I beat this bitch the fuck up? Nah I can’t do that, I’m trying my hardest to come in peace. Okay so just cut her off then, ain’t no coming back from that I’m thinking to myself as I’m pacing back and forth struggling to light my wood


The switch up

I have advocated for people’s voices to be heard all my life. “ you don’t like something.. speak up” always the one to speak my mind during times of disappointment or anger. “ you don’t have to worry about if I like you cuz I’m gon tell you” would be


Ready to fight

We were taught how to survive not to live. We were taught to allow them to do whatever the fuck they want to do to us. Before you continue reading, I want you to know this is NOT a Kumbaya moment, this is a call to order, a call to


Me or Us

I go back and forth between love and success too much. Should I fall in love, Have kids, and Get married?? Or should I focus on Mariah? I’m sure reading this you like “self-love is what you preach” true but what about the days where I cannot conjure up enough


Misplaced Loyalty

Women want to prove their loyalty to men who have conveniently forgotten theirs. We try to outdo the other woman. Let me cook for you bae, let me get your credit fixed, let me fight the girl that’s keeping you from me because it’s got to be her fault. On

Why I write

I write to escape. I write to hear and see my inner thoughts. I write to check the temperature of my heart. I write to feel alive.  I want to tell stories that most people stray away from. The forbidden. Only because my life has been full of the “No



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As I sit here, I ponder about the subject I’ll use in my blog that will convey what I really want to say. My mind wonders, do I talk about~ How stressed I am? How tired I am? Do I talk about work? Do I talk about love? Or do


Good Girl VS Hood Boy

We want someone to treat us like lovers and protect us like a brother would so we go after the street ones, the ones that have and will get their hands dirty. The ones that’ll go to war with anybody and when it comes to you, everybody. The ones that

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