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Good Girl VS Hood Boy

We want someone to treat us like lovers and protect us like a brother would so we go after the street ones, the ones that have and will get their hands dirty.

The ones that’ll go to war with anybody and when it comes to you, everybody.

The ones that ain’t afraid of the police or yo mamma or daddy! As for (we) I’m speaking for the women with solid foundations. With fathers and father figures, strong mothers or grandmothers.

Educated women and I mean degrees on degrees.

“ I’ve always had money so I don’t need yours” Or, “I make my own money so what I need you for” type women.

Make me a priority or I’m out type women. The determined strong ones.

The women that don’t need you they just really fucking want you.

In essence, you would think the hood boy good girl combination is unstoppable.

It’s exhilarating, it’s exciting, it’s fun to say the least. The feeling you get when your with them is almost indescribable.

For both parties it’s an adventure, I can teach her the game and she can… for lack of a better word, clean my image up.

What about when you need protecting? Mentally spiritually AND physically.

The long nights and days with no call.

The women you’ll get into it with, some you wouldn’t even be in the same building with them let alone share a man you thought was yours with.
At first, it’s protective so you’re drawn, then it’s a switch and you need protection for some good girl -hood boy combinations.

Some turn into a ghetto love story and you’re treated like a princess….

I pray you get the fairy tale with Nipsey and not the nightmare with Suge Knight.

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One response to “Good Girl VS Hood Boy”

  1. Modi Naja says:

    How perfect was this entry?! This one was definitely IT! Ladies we’ve all been there done that..let’s be real. I love how she wished us well in the end. ❤️ Keep ‘em coming girlllllll

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