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When I see what’s going on in Amerikkka it makes me feel a few emotions with “BET” being the most prominent one.

I’ve been privy to the lack of concern with BLACK lives in this country (No offense I love all people but I’m not including another color this time) but I’ve never witnessed an attack so blatantly approved.

If I was to compare it to something more surface level, it’s like you find a new significant other (President-Elect -Biden) after your last relationship abused the shit out of you and this new person isn’t perfect but the last four years have been hell so you know you have to make another decision AND your favorite uncle (Obama) vouched for him so you have to give it a try with hope to move forward. Your ex ( Trump) believes they were perfect, that they treated you with the utmost respect and deserves a second chance and you are basically lying saying they were that bad and they demand you reconsider, and until you do they’ll be popping up at your door, having their cousins harass you on social media, on the street, in the grocery store, in your DM’s, on your timeline and on your television. On the day you get engaged they’re whole family breaks into the location your new significant other is planning to propose to you, in an effort to steal the ring and stop the engagement. Despite the demonic scheme to divert your engagement, it successfully goes through.

When their plan failed, they reveal new plans to terrorize your wedding day too.

In this situation, I would go through a slew of scenarios because;

1. They got me fucked up, after all the trauma you’ve put me through you decide that’s not enough, you have to continue because you think I don’t know what’s good for me? The emotions I think I felt I just don’t understand and you were the best thing that could have ever happen to me.

2. This is a comedy, you had your chance and you blew it so I’m moving on and there is nothing more to say, just step aside with grace. The fact that you won’t is actually really funny.

3. Actually this isn’t funny at all. You and your minions are serious, my family and friends are going to have to armor up because y’all have shown y’all’s asses and lost y’all’s minds.

Now I know that comparison is trivial and not as serious as what’s going on but it’s familiar, demonic, nasty, and petty and exactly what’s going on in Amerikkka.

I’m trying to understand the real problem, well what I really want is for them to say the real problem “ we have no reason not to like you we are just haters and instead of identifying our own blessings as a race we harp on you all’s and we have since the beginning of time, we envy your talents, your melanin, your beauty, your brains, your resilience, your strength, your ability to overcome adversity, your stability despite our greatest efforts to tear down the basic fundamentals of your entire existence, we hate your genetic makeup and therefore we as a whole race of people vowed in unison to steal a country from its original people, go to another country take you from your land spread you out so you forget your heritage , enslave you, kill you, rape you, try to dilute you, attempt to extinct you, strip you from your history and brainwash you to believe you are inferior to us so we can rule over your people for years and years to come and you are  jeopardizing that with your overarching success as a race” but they will never admit that so what do we do?

Let’s be honest, protesting ain’t working. It’s a setup.

They’ve shown us that when we do it it’s seen as a display of violence.

When they do it, they understand, they want to fight with them they get to live to tell the story about how they broke into THE FUCKIN U.S. CAPITAL BUILDING

But when we do it? It’s like they’ve opened the doors to the county jail and its angry prisoners are upset about the treatment they receive and the only way to maintain control is to shoot them down like mad dogs in the street.

It’s delusion at its finest, but it’s not shocking nor surprising.

They do this animal ass act all the time in different industries, and every-time we act appalled.

Every-time we act like their agenda hasn’t been revealed. 

Do you know what we do?

We continue to fight because that’s who the fuck we are!

Continue to go after our dreams because IT GETS THE PEOPLE GOING!

In the ’90s the songs and movies had us and our parents “ feeling like black was the thing to be” because it is!!!!!!

We shape the culture of the world and get no credit but we do get validation, this act was the validation that we are tickling some feathers!

We moving mountains and building temples!

We have been fixated on the idea that we have to ask them for something, We don’t.

We have to get on the same page with our God and continue to do what we been doing together.

We have to get out and continue to take that shit!

We’ve been overcoming their negative attacks!

If your dream is to become the president of the United States and make a change President Obama and Madam Vice President Kamala Harris have shown us the limit does not exist!!!!

Black excellence is an internal journey that begins as a flame within each of us and lights the world on fire.

Don’t let anything stop you.

Take the steps needed to get there and be the best that you can!

Show up for your dreams every single day of your life, it’s your assignment, your duty!

We must make an imprint on this earth, especially this country!

We were born with divine powers and it shows in how we talk, how we walk, how we show up in the world and they see it too.

That’s why they’ve been trying to take it from us, been trying to end our lives before we figure it out so we don’t amount to it.

That time has come to an end!

We see what y’all doing and we are not impressed but


Watch us make this shit shake!

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