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I can’t talk to anyone about it because they will just tell me to “snap out of it”.

I can’t go to the root of the problem and handle it because I’m not sure what the root is.

I have no clue why I feel this way and I can’t even explain the feeling I feel.

I just know that there isn’t enough tissue in the world to stop these tears.

Not enough affirmations in a lifetime to get me over this battle in my head.

It’s like I cut myself cooking and the cut was so deep that when it rains, or someone talks about cuts, or I see a TV show and someone gets cut,it hurts.
What do you do when you don’t know what to do?

What do you do when you don’t know how to fix the problem?

What do you do when you’re the strong friend and the one that gives the best advice?

Who do you talk to when you’re the one“ you” talk to?
Depression isn’t something that you can “ just snap out of” it’s a constant battle in your mind.

A battle with what you know, and how you feel.

“ Get out your feelings” isn’t something that can just be clicked on like an option or a mode for people like me.

My highs are extremely high but my lows are so low it seems as though I’ll never return.

When you can’t find happiness outside, you have to go within. It begins there.

What we don’t realize is that we have everything inside of us that we need.

A flaw can be flipped into a talent.

We allow society to dictate how we view us.
I grew through depression.

Although it hit me like a car and broke me down.

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