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F*ck it! I’ll do it

I write about depression a lot because it’s my reality.

But by NO MEANS does it make me weak or helpless.

The fact that I put my truth out there in order to help someone else gives me the strength to keep going.

What bothers me is that people make you feel like you have to be perfect.

You can’t have any flaws.

God forbid you have something wrong with you, that’s hush-hush.

You are ONLY allowed to talk about your new Yeezy’s or your 30-inch Brazilian weave.

If I just had an argument with my boyfriend or if my mom and I aren’t seeing eye to eye or if work is pissing me the fuck off god forbid my account in the negative im pose to hide it. Anything that makes me human I’m supposed to hold it in, not say anything.

Well look, I got highs and lows like everybody else I’m just the one that’s gon share to tell the world it’s ok to be normal.

“ you pretty you shouldn’t have anything to worry about”, “ you come from money you being ungrateful”.

I want to create a space for everyday people to feel comfortable in their skin.

To show that eczema you have is normal. You not the only one that got that std from that guy/ girl you really liked.

You not the only fine girl that gets cheated on, you not the only good man that gets overlooked for that thugged out bad boy.

All I’m saying is the boss I am Ima show my flaws, they make me the baddest bitch I know! You ain’t gon do it?

Fuck it, I’ll do it! MOOD FOR LIFE

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