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Ready to fight

We were taught how to survive not to live.

We were taught to allow them to do whatever the fuck they want to do to us.

Before you continue reading, I want you to know this is NOT a Kumbaya moment, this is a call to order, a call to action.

This is a reminder that it is NOT business as usual. We are at war.

This is a reminder that THIS has been going on for 401 years! This ain’t new!

This is a reminder that at the police brutality protest they use police brutality.

It’s not just “ that’s happening in Atlanta” it’s happening in our back yard.

George Floyd is NOT some black man from Houston! He Is our brother and NONE of those cops should have been allowed bail. That pension shouldn’t even be an option.

Breonna Taylor is not just another black woman that was accidentally killed by the police she is our sister and those EVIL ass cops need to be in Prison!

Rayshard Brooks was not just another black man drunk in a parking lot that got killed for not complying. That is our fucking brother that was just trying to get something to eat!



I don’t want to calm you down. I’m not trying to soothe your soul. I’m here to tell you to stay mad.

I’m here to tell you to stop asking your brothers and sisters for discounts. Stop canceling these black celebrities for not showing up in the way we think they should( I’m guilty of this).

Im here to tell you to encourage your children to go to HBCU’s so they can be unapologetically black for at least 4 years. The only place they will get OUR history and where they will expose the lies of the devil. They will single-handedly break that thought that only white people are inventors… this will tear down that “ white is superior” because they are not!

This is not a race war. This is good vs evil and I’m here to tell you to get right with God, ask him to give you the strength to fight this battle, the courage to NOT turn your cheek, the courage to fight back against evil, and stand strong next to your family.

Your skin color is something to be proud of. God said I’m going to make my strongest soldiers black because I know they will make me proud. ANYTHING worth having isn’t easy, stop asking these people for basic human rights START TAKING THAT SHIT.

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One response to “Ready to fight”

  1. Modi Bianca Mickey says:

    This was my favourite one to date! So powerful so meaningful! Made me feel invincible!

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