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Why I write

I write to escape.

I write to hear and see my inner thoughts.

I write to check the temperature of my heart. I write to feel alive. 

I want to tell stories that most people stray away from.

The forbidden.

Only because my life has been full of the “No don’t do that” but no one really gives me an explanation.

The way my life is set up is like a class. I see the end result early on and I know it’s going to be hard and difficult but instead of following the syllabus, I dive off the deep end without a life jacket.

Have you ever been on a plane and the turbulence is bad, so bad the pilot is not allowing the flight attendants to assist.The Pilots main goal is to get the passengers to their destination no matter what.

 The seat belt is broken on the seat that I’m in so I’m on my own.

It’s just me and my feelings. When the ride that you’re on is going 190 mph, hitting every road block your feelings is just going to make you think you have already died.

What has to trigger in order for you to not give up?

What has to happen for you to put your best foot forward? What has to occur for you to say “ hey let me get my parachute and get off this ride because I don’t deserve this”?

Nobody ever said there wouldn’t be trials and tribulations but how you choose to respond during that time determines the outcome.

You have to take your feelings off your sleeve and handle your fucking business.

Your heart will get you in some shit only your right mind can get you out of.

I want to tell stories that speak to people’s soul the way writing them speaks to mine. 

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2 responses to “Why I write”

  1. Modi Ti Thompson says:

    You have captured the essence of James Joyce and Virginia Woolf in your writings yet they go beyond as they penetrate the stream of consciousness of the minds of others. Passionate and provocative to reach beyond the thresholds of present now mind sets. Awesome appetite for further readings.

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